Tuesday, 1 May 2012

BBQ Beef Pot Roast, Rainbows, Migraines and Chicken Pox...

Well that was a title and a half!

I woke up this morning with a migraine. One where the light hurt and moving my head was agony. I've spent most of the day in bed trying not to move. The pain has eased a bit so I'm laying on the sofa instead. I hate days like this, I feel like I've had time stolen from me as I had lots planned for today. It's been 5 months since my last migraine - and that was before my eye surgery.

F has chicken pox. Neither of the girls have had it before. It's not bothering her yet, I think not getting to go to nursery will bother her far more than the spots. She loves nursery! I hope E gets it soon, it's F's birthday party in a month and I need them both to be fine!

Now... onto rainbows...

I promised the girls a rainbow blanket each a while back and am now getting started using these colours - the photo doesn't show the true colours very well, for example the 4th from the left is actually an orangey pink, far more orange than the photo shows! I'm going to crochet their blankets in a ripple pattern and am going to make both alongside one another so that they are both finished at the same time. I'm quite excited about making them although they are going to be very big (40 inches wide) so it may be some time before I'm finished.

And BBQ beef pot roast... I found this recipe. We only used 600g of meat though. I didn't make it - Hubby did as I was in bed. It tasted nice. Ellie ate more of the meat than anyone else and she really enjoyed it! I'm not a fan of beef unless it is in a burger or mince but this was ok, tender and quite nice.

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