Monday, 30 January 2012

New Year's Resolutions 2012

Ok, it's nearly a twelfth (!) of the way through the year but I decided just before January that if I was having an eye operation then I'd probably end up failing all of my resolutions straight away. SO I decided that my New Year would begin in February.

My resolutions are:

  • Meal planning - planning ahead every week before I do my shopping so that I know what we're eating every day
  • New foods - trying at least one new recipe a week 
  • Cooking properly most nights AND for the children - my kiddies are a little on the fussy side and generally when the Husband is working of an evening I cook whatever they want, usually it involves beans, toast or pasta with cheese sauce. My aim this year is to cook properly no matter who is there for dinner and the serve the children the same as me.
  • Keeping the sink clear - leaving the sink and draining board EMPTY every night (as in do all the washing up, not as in stack it on the cupboard)
  • Start sorting the garage and de-clutter

I figured 5 resolutions was enough. And 3 of them all focus on the same sort of thing so shouldn't be too hard really... I'm on holiday (self-catering at Center Parcs (with the in-laws)) next week so the meal planning will have to wait another week!

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